Trending: The Pill that Helped my Husband’s Impotence and Restored our Dead Sex Life For Only $4.95

Hi everyone! You might remember my column where I complained about my husband’s poor performance whenever we had sex. He couldn’t keep a good, firm, long-lasting erection… and of course, his confidence was at rock bottom. He couldn’t even get an erection when I gave him oral sex or when we masturbated each other. The best we could hope for was 3 minutes, and without the size and hardness he used to have years ago when we started going out. Sad, isn’t it?

I was really worried about this, and I asked myself: how do porn stars get such powerful erections? Honestly, we tried everything you can imagine. The famous blue pill, yoga, massages, couples’ therapy… but nothing seemed to work. Sex never lasted more than a few minutes. I was desperate to find a way for us to satisfy each other fully!

We spent 6 months looking for a solution and we were reaching the conclusion that perhaps it was a normal situation, genetic and irreversible, rather than a problem, and that we would have to get used to that kind of sex or end our relationship. My husband was losing all his confidence.

Help came when I expected it no more ...

I came across an interview with a prominent ED (erectile dysfunction) researcher, where she said any man can perform for up to 2 hours. That’s something I’m interested in, I thought. According to her, she’s using special natural extractions — horny goat, wild yam, Corean ginseng, lycorice root, potency wood, oyster shell extracts — all in a harmless herbal pill which you can buy without prescription. This complex herbal medicine boosts sex hormone production and gives her male counterparts the stiffie of an 18 year old and the endurance of a porn star.

We recommend Geneticore Boost Supplement with TRTT technology, as we use it ourself. Originally, this supplement was used to generate muscle tissue quickly by increasing testosterone levels. Everyone was surprised when they discovered that their libido increased exponentially when using it. As a result, many men have stopped taking Viagra and have started to use this natural supplement.

My Research

I couldn’t do nothing in the face of all this new information – this was the opportunity I’d been waiting so long for. I began to research the relationship between testosterone and erectile dysfunction, and you won’t believe what I discovered… 52% of men in Singapore have problems during sex, and this is mainly due to low testosterone levels. According to Men’s Health, testosterone deficiency (also known as hypogonadism) causes:

  • Decreased sexual desire
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Insufficient sperm production

These low testosterone levels occur due to stress, overwork, insufficient rest time and daily pressures. Now I understand my husband! Luckily, there is a solution.

Let’s take a look at the effects of Geneticore Boost:

Generation of additional testosterone: One of the key components of Geneticore Boost is Trillium Rectum with additional ingredients. The result is a formula which strengthens the adrenal glands and provides natural testosterone so that the body develops and gains strength.

Effective vascular permeability: Geneticore Boost is a mix of completely natural complementary ingredients and organic substances which effectively penetrate your blood stream, transporting the product around the body and restoring healthy testosterone levels.

Testosterone not only increases lean muscle mass, it also increases sexual appetite, making you feel greater desire and altering your body’s chemistry to drastically increase virility. Increased testosterone levels will allow you to perform more vigorously, helping to ensure you keep your partner satisfied with hours and hours of pleasurable sex.

I looked on Google and researched the company that makes the product to guarantee it wasn’t a scam, and I found they offered a risk-free trial option for the first pack, so I got one without hesitating.! When I was certain, I placed my order.

What Was the Result?

The pills took 9 days to arrive at my house (a friend bought them last week and they arrived even quicker). I was really looking forward to using them and testing their effectiveness – the same day they arrived, before going to bed I gave my husband a pill telling him it was a vitamin. In less than an hour, he woke up with an erection harder than most I’d seen. Believe it or not, that same night he made love to me for 1 hour 47 minutes! I’d never experienced such pleasure, I sweated and groaned like I never had before. It was a perfect night – the best I’ve ever had without a doubt. I was really excited, and I was obviously expecting an improvement, but the reality far exceeded my expectations. I’d never seen him like that before!

According to the manufacturer of the product, this formula increases libido, increasing pleasure and desire, so in the next few weeks I’ll be sharing more of my experiences of this supplement with you! I still can’t believe these pills only cost the same as 2 cinema tickets… and without the embarrassment of going to the doctor. Every cent invested in this miracle product is worth it. Life’s short, and I’m not the kind of woman who’ll settle for less…

For this reason, I personally recommend Geneticore Boost Natural Supplement (Official Website) to any of my readers who want a better sex life. Don’t miss this opportunity!

(Trial bottles running out fast. Claim now before stock expires**)

Update: As of Monday, August 28, 2017 limited trials Still Available.

Click to Receive A Bottle Of Geneticore Boost

Take advantage of their exclusive link and pay only $4.95 for shipping!

IMPORTANT: You muscle take Geneticore Boost every day to acheive the best results




Alex Morgan

I really didn’t expect such a cool post from you ;) Actually I have been using these pills for about a year already and couldn’t be any happier. Sex lasts much longer, hard on is rock solid and all babes just can't get their hands off me!
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Ed M

Thanks a lot Kate! Yesterday I got my package and I already managed to test it! Sex lasted for 1 hour and my dick is always ready for more – that’s much more than I expected and it feels great!
6 replys | Leave comment

John Mcgain

My brother lives in Europe and he told me that these pills are REALLY popular there… I don’t know I still haven’t tried them yet…
7 replys | Leave comment

Hellen J

Hi Kate, this is really impressive! I am going to use that trial option and get a pack for my husband.
9 replys | Leave comment


I have been using this stuff for two weeks and I can definitely say that could never expect such a strong effect. This is simply AMAZING!
11 replys | Leave comment

Jolly Brooks

Hi there Katherine, I have ordered a pack of these pills for my hubby and I really can`t wait for delivery. I am so up for trying them!
12 replys | Leave comment


Your husband is a really cool guy to post stuff such as this and trying new things I also want to be like him
15 replys | Leave comment


I know a lot of people who are using these herbal pills and they like it much better.
19 replys | Leave comment

Loren Scott

Hi, thanks for the post, I got a pack for my hubby. This stuff is like a miracle... his erection is bigger and stronger than ever before.
21 replys | Leave comment

Igor Strong

I bought these pills about a week ago and now I am really addicted to them haha! They didn’t have trial promo when I looked, but anyway I don’t regret buying them for sure
22 replys | Leave comment

Alfred The Best

I purchased a pack and I can assure everyone that they work as a charm. Before I had some problems in bed – my erection was unstable and orgasms were really weak. Now everything got better. Thanks Kate!
25 replys | Leave comment


I also know about these pills, I bought them abroad though. They are great.
34 replys | Leave comment

Jack Sparrow

My wife is so happy now! She asks what happened to me and why I can last in bed for so much longer and why my cock is always hard as rock! Another one happy customer here. I ordered the trial bottle and got it really fast and without any hassle.
39 replys | Leave comment

Jack B

I ordered a trial and received it really fast and without any hassle.
41 replys | Leave comment

Denny T.

I hope that everyone can get same result as me after using these pills. I can fuck for an hour easily! I am simply shocked how well they do. Thanks for the post!!!
49 replys | Leave comment


Heh I also know about these pills… My husband has been using them for a while and he bangs me several times a day now… I am really getting tired of it ;)
50 replys | Leave comment


These pills are really great and what is the most important they work almost instantly for me! I used all the trial pack and now paid for another one already.
51 replys | Leave comment

German Cr.

I decided to try these pills just because of curiosity and because they offered a trial, so nothing to lose. I didn’t believe that some pills besides Viagra or Cialis can improve erection or even prolong sex. After I got my pack I went straight to my GF. You may not believe me that we had sex for two hours non-stop!
1 hour ago | Leave comment


This stuff is not new at all. Everyone who wants to have stable erection and last longer in bed should use it.
1 hour ago | Leave comment


May be I should buy it for my husband as well. I heard about these pills but after seeing all these positive comments I want to see it for myself ;)
2 replys | Leave comment


Click to Receive A Bottle Of Geneticore Boost

Take advantage of their exclusive link and pay only $4.95 for shipping!

IMPORTANT: You muscle take Geneticore Boost every day to acheive the best results